by Bend Beauty
As leaders in the field of skin health and longevity, we like to share knowledge
with our communities about trending new ingredients that could benefit your
health + wellness journey. Plus – we love to give you a sneak peek of what you will
find in upcoming Bend Beauty products.
What is tremella mushroom?
Enter tremella mushroom. Otherwise known as tremella fuciformis, or silver ear
mushroom – it’s an edible mushroom which has been used in Asian medicine
practices for beauty and skincare purposes for thousands of years (1). In
Traditional Chinese Medicine (CM), tremella is applied in various ways to benefit
health and wellness (2). Get ready to hear more about it, as it’s recently been
covered in Allure and InStyle magazines.
The Science
The hype is backed by science, although published research is still limited. In a
review article published in 2021, tremella was referenced as being used in
Chinese medicine for thousands of years “for its excellent traditional therapeutic
effects on skincare, immune enhancement, and disease prevention (3).” Tremella’s
medicinal properties are mostly attributed to the polysaccharide content that
supports many of our body systems, including nervous, hormonal, and immune
systems, and stimulates regulatory functions that help us adapt to various
environmental and biological stresses (1,2).
Another study cites the use of tremella in replenishing fluids in the body: this
hydrating effect is thought to support tremella’s beauty and skin health benefits
The Future
While more research is needed to fully understand the benefits of ingesting
tremella, one thing is for sure – this is a trend to keep your eyes on! You can trust
that at Bend Beauty, we’re doing the work behind the scenes to vet up-and-
coming ingredient trends that could be beneficial in supporting your skin health
and wellness journey.
To learn more about the gut-skin axis click here.